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Pre-Graduation Stress

Life milestones got you down? Are you suffering from anxiety, stress, or depression due to your impending graduation date? Is facing the stress, responsibilities, and duties of a fully-fledged adult just a bit too much? Please read on, because we need to talk.

Though I graduated from undergraduate studies two years ago, I have a lot of younger friends that are currently facing that big milestone. And it’s a weird feeling to look back on it all. I was a completely different person when I came out of college, and I think I’ve learned just as much in my two years fresh out of school as I did during school. There is a lot on the road ahead of you- BUT you needn’t be pulling your hair out over it.

One of my favorite pictures with most of my graduating class from the theatre department in 2015! Gosh, that feels so long ago...

Let’s break all of this down. First of all, you are swiftly approaching a huge life milestone. You are about to graduate college with a bachelor’s degree and, despite you feeling like everyone’s got a degree these days, you are a member of an elite group. Only about 32% of United States citizens get bachelor’s degrees in their lifetime, and you’re likely young and starry eyed and have your whole lifetime and career ahead of you to utilize all you have learned. So why the hell are you down? YOU SHOULD BE CELEBRATING! You have done something difficult, something exemplary, something to be cherished and lauded! So LAUD YOURSELF!

We realize that you’re probably not stressed about the graduation day itself; hell, there are undoubtedly plenty of you eager to reach that day just so you won’t have to stress over papers and essays any longer. You’re stressed about what comes after… when you don’t have student health care, when you need a job, when you won’t have easy access to a gym or library or cafeteria, when you desperately want to work in your industry but feel there are no jobs open. We know why you’re stressed. And it’s gonna be okay.

For real, take a second, take a deep breath, count to five, let it out slowly, and assure yourself: it is going to be alright.

Look, there are plenty of roads you can take as you graduate. Undoubtedly, some of your peers will manage to score internships or full time jobs with amazing companies in your industry; others will be perfectly content to chill with their college roommates while they ride out their currently tolerable job at a fast food joint. And you’re probably somewhere in the middle: wishing you had something better, afraid any job you take won’t be the right job or that you’re somehow settling, wondering if you need to move and where you should move to and how you’ll afford it…

AH, slow down! Yes, there’s a lot to think about but there’s no need to bury yourself in it! We want to first reassure you that things are going to work out because you will make them work out. Keep applying for jobs and internships. Have friends look over your resume and get feedback on how it could be better (and take that feedback). Try to meet potential employers in person so they’re considering hiring a person with a face, not just a name on a piece of paper. Put your best foot forward every time you’re meeting someone new, because you never know when they’ll own a brewery or have a friend in theatre or be able to hook you up with a gig. Don’t be afraid to work some side-hustles; a nanny can be relabeled as a house manager or childcare specialist on paper. There’s no shame in having to move back home, as long as it’s a temporary plan and you get your ass out of there and back in gear as quickly as possible. As long as you are trying, GENUINELY trying, things will work out for you eventually.

In the meantime, because no stress disappears just like that, find a way to cope with your stress and anxieties. Guess what: adulthood has a lot of stressors and the level of anxiety you’re feeling now won’t even compare to your stress levels in a few years. Here are a few bullet points you can try out to help manage your stress.

Try Something Different

For a while, my go-to de-stressor was stretching. Well, working in theatre as much as I do, stretching became part of my warm ups and thusly part of my work. I needed something new. Sometimes just trying something different distracts from the anxiety and excites you just enough to work for a while. Allow yourself to get swept away by some destressor you think could really work, whether it’s reading, learning an instrument, or yoga. Just avoid trying different things like taking up smoking addictions or alcoholism or prescription pills or meth. Let it be known we do not advocate meth as a de-stressor.

Treat Yo’ Self

There’s a reason Donna Meagal religiously treated herself: it works. Did that woman ever look stressed? Hell no. This should be used sparingly because some of this stuff can get costly, but don’t be afraid to treat yourself every once in a while. For example, Eric had been considering getting this pair of high tech socks that you can wear in lieu of running shoes for MONTHS. When he was totally stressed the other night and thinking about them again, he decided he’d worked hard and deserved them. Days later, he was still excitedly talking about these socks (and not talking about how stressed his project at work made him). Our only caution here is to be careful how much you spend on treating yourself, and how often you do it. It’s one thing if you’re treating yourself to a frozen yogurt once a week, and another if you’re buying lavish cosplay costumes off Etsy every week...

Treat Your Body Right

People who eat healthy, work out, and treat their bodies well have higher dopamine levels. Dopamine makes you happy. Happy people just don’t kill their husbands. They just don’t.

Seriously, a little maintenance on your body every day will cut back on your stress SO much. It’s remarkable how much a little lovin can do for yourself. When you get cravings for Taco Bell, make tacos at home instead- you’ll be happier in the end. Even a short workout that gets your heart rate elevated for a short period of time will trigger dopamine releases you’ll be feeling for hours. I also recommend having a DIY or cheap spa box that you keep for particularly rough days. Mine is half homemade (like beeswax body moisturizers and sugar scrubs) and half inexpensive sourced goodies (I recommend Meme Box and TJ Maxx for inexpensive but effective and luxurious products), and it really does the trick. I especially recommend aromatherapy, whether in the form of essential oils you can sprinkle directly on your person or in the form of portable inhalers- my favorites are the MONQ personal infusers. They look like e-cigs, but are made only with essential oils and natural ingredients and are heated to the perfect temperature for direct inhalation of aromatherapy. Pure health, direct results. Perfection!

Get Outside

People like to pretend that taking a Vitamin D supplement will give them all that they need to be chemically happy, but NO! Supplements don’t give you everything direct sunlight can when it comes to personal health. Just feeling a hot sun on your skin warms and contents a person! Vitamin D in the form of actual sunlight is proven to be more beneficial than a supplement, so get outside. If you’re not crazy about hiking or biking or even taking walks, fine- just sit outside with your laptop and get work done. Whatever. BUT GO OUTSIDE. It’s finally getting warm, you have no excuse not to adventure outdoors- and it genuinely helps a lot.

But Speaking of Supplements...

Most bodies are able to produce everything they need to be happy, if given the right ingredients. However, most is not all. If you’ve tried everything, from an active lifestyle to a clean diet, and you still feel constantly anxious or depressed or stressed, there might be something else at play here. Definitely talk to your doctor or check out a counselor near you. But don’t assume that means you’re going to need prescription drugs! Sometimes you just need the right supplement to get all you need, whether that’s in the form of a multivitamin or a cellular revitalizing formula. Check out some of Eric's articles to learn more about supplements.

We’ve thrown a lot at you, so we’re sure you’ve got a lot to think about. Feel free to think out loud in the comments and start a discussion! We’d love to talk more with you about all of your stress, anxiety, and questions as you approach graduation or the next milestone in your life. If you’d like any more information about some of the de-stressors we’ve mentioned, from MONQ aromatherapy solutions to supplements working on a cellular level, we would love to answer any questions and send you information about how to get your hands on this stuff. So don’t stress- there are plenty of solutions to all of your problems.

P.S.- Congratulations! You should be incredibly proud of yourself and all that you’ve accomplished, and excited about all the challenges yet to come. Well done.

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