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Fat Burning Workout

Year round we are bombarded with media portraying the ‘ideal’ body for both sexes and basically telling us what kind of body we should be striving for. This often leads to a sense of failure because we are human, not photo-shopped models who get paid to have this ‘perfect’ body to show off to the world. We have LIVES. We have a full time JOB and another part time job on top of it, or we may even have multiple part time jobs just to make ends meet; never mind working out hours on end and having time to cook perfectly well rounded meals, or having time to get enough rest. There just isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish ALL of these things…Or is there?

Personally, I believe there is. Well, maybe not spending HOURS in a gym exercising, but at least an hour to get a solid workout in. Does an hour seems overwhelming and too much time for your hectic schedule? How about a mere 30-45 minutes to get a kickass, full body, fat burning workout? Yes, that’s right folks, I said 30-45 minutes to firm up, lose some belly fat, gain some muscle, and start turning heads as you walk down the beach. How is this possible? We can accomplish this through various forms of exercise and knowing which movements to do, to what intensity, and with how much rest. This process may be daunting to many because of the vast selection of exercises, but I’ll give you one small hint that may narrow down the exercise choices dramatically.

I am going to assume that most of you have a few extra bucks to invest on a gym membership. No…Not this fancy, high end cross fit, private, or trendy gym; just a basic gym, such as Planet Fitness for $10 a month. I know, I know. I was one of those people who refused to go to PF and get a membership, but I eventually ended up joining because of the low monthly fee and access to gyms across the country. I, like many of you, would love to join one of these other hip gyms. They have great workouts, camaraderie, and energy, however I just couldn’t dish out $150/month for a membership. We can still work-in some high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts at the more basic gyms.

There are many different styles of workout regiments and programs, theories behind working out, and general guidelines- the selection of which is fairly difficult, depending on each individual’s goals and preferences. Because we're getting to know all of you, I’m going to assume that you're beginning your fitness journey and you want to be well-rounded in your fitness goals: decent strength, cardio, and a lean body image.

Below is a list of exercises that are grouped together targeting major muscle groups that will be combined for a basic full body workout. Choose one exercise per group. Choose a weight that will cause you to reach complete fatigue, or failure, in 12-15 repetitions (or 1 minutes for cardio machines) for each of these exercises. This is called one circuit. Complete this circuit 3-4 more times. Use rest periods sparingly, trying to rest no more than 30 seconds in between each exercise and, if needed, take a slightly longer rest after each circuit. (Choose more exercises if time, energy, or need allows):

Stair Stepper/Stair Master –Fast Walk

Inclined 5% Treadmill

Squat with Shoulder Press

Squat with Upright Row

Dumbbell chest press

Inclined Dumbbell chest press

Push up

Maintain flat back and a straight line from heels to ears. Position hands directly under shoulders for basic pushup version.
Bend at the elbows until your elbows hit 90 degrees, or your nose is near the ground! Maintain a flat back and keep your core tight.

Jump Squats

Burpee (Yes, we do want you to do the push up in the middle and jump at the end)

1 Arm Row

Pull up (Assisted)

Lat Pull Down

Start from a full dead hang and go through full range of motion.
Pull yourself up until chin goes over bar. Keep shoulders back and down (Concentrate on contracting your Lats).

Plank (Push-Up position #1 as described above)

Hanging knee tucks

Mountain climbers (with a twist)

Start in Push Up position #1and bring left knee to opposite elb
Return to Push Up position #1 and bring right knee to opposite elbow

These exercises, when combined together, will give both the beginners and more experienced people a solid full body, fat burning workout. In this regiment, we are targeting major muscle groups to build strength and muscle, as well as tax our cardio respiratory system to burn more calories. This workout should be one of three or four other workouts every week for adequate progress. During these other workouts, you can target more cardio or strength, or both, depending on your exact goals.

There are many different styles and types of exercises. If you have a particular interest, or want to try a something different than the traditional gym route (although it will likely cost a little more) take a look at this additional article, portraying fun, integrative forms of exercise from different parts of the world. They may also be useful in different areas of life and boost your confidence as well. With this in mind, there are also other powerful tools of weight management (whether it be weight loss or muscle gain). Keep in mind many of them are not replacements for proper nutrition and exercise, but rather an additional way to speed up your progress. My personal favorite is shared at the bottom of the article shared here: Exercise Around the World

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