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The Power of Massage Therapy

When you want to relax, what do you do? Do you go hiking or walking, relax in a chair, pass out in bed, DIY spa time, or something else? Well these are just some of the things that I personally do to help me relax. Similarly, when you want to relax, what do you think of? Some of the topics Carmen personally thinks of are puppies, cruises, sunshine, warmth, fuzzy sweaters, clean sheets, among many others. Take a moment to write down what takes you into relax mode.

I try to add things to my ‘how do I relax list’ at least weekly. Most recently, I’ve added a biweekly massage to my regiment and it has been the highlight of it all. A solid hour either in silence or friendly conversation with a talented massage therapist working on the aching spots of your body does wonders for your muscles and psyche. Frankly, it just can’t get a whole lot better than that. Add some candles, well-scented oil or lotion, and some calming music and I’m nearly put to sleep.

This seemingly heavenly massage I speak of almost sounds too luxurious and expensive for many. It seems that only athletes or the wealthy treat their bodies to massage therapy sessions regularly. However, massages don’t have to be expensive and they definitely aren’t just for the active and wealthy. Anyone and everyone can be treated to a massage therapy and reap the many benefits it provides.

Some ways to offset the cost of massages are:

1) Find a groupon for a massage

This is a great way to shop around for a massage therapist if you don’t already have one. However, unless you jump from massage therapist to massage therapist, most groupons only allow limited visits over a 90 day period. Although a definite treat, this will not provide most of the benefits listed below.

2) Trade services

I know a few massage therapists personally that are willing to trade massages for other services such as personal training and house or car work.

3) Barter

I am aware of the power of the dollar bill. However, there are still people (even massage therapists) who are willing to trade a massage for things such as farm raised meat, fresh vegetables, free-ranged eggs, and other farmer’s market items.

There are numerous benefits to receiving a regular massage:

1. It is relaxing

Duh...Simply lying on a table and having someone massage your troubles away will likely ease your mind and put you in a state of relaxation. Thus, having the potential to aid in anxiety and headaches.

2. Fix troubled areas

By focusing on specific areas of the body, a massage is able to remedy knots, general aches and pains, sports related injuries, soft tissue sprains and strains, among many other issues.

3. Sleep better

A more relaxed body and mind, less physical stressors, among many other benefits, will aid you in sleeping a sounder sleep.

4. Increase your overall quality of life

Everything listed above, plus the benefits listed here by the American Massage Therapy Association will indeed increase your overall quality of life. Click Here for this list.

Before writing this article, I loved massages and knew they were great for you. After doing some additional research, I knew they were priceless. They aid in so many different ailments that are detrimental to our health, both physically and mentally. Personally, I do not believe you can put a price tag on the benefits of a massage, however nearly everyone does. It is truly a wonder experience. I would encourage you all to experience a few different styles of massage through various massage therapists and find someone who fits your personality. Here is a link to a licensed massage therapist finder: Click Here.

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