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Increase Your Focus, Attention, and Efficiency With This 1 Simple Trick

You’re sitting reading a book but can’t concentrate on the words in front of your face. You’re trying to concentrate on studies, but all your mind is thinking about is The Walking Dead. Finally, you’re lying in bed staring at the ceiling for what seems to be hours, unable to fall asleep. While beyond irritated, you go to research how to fix these focus issues. You happen to stumble upon our Become Stressless blog posts and…well here you are….

What you’re looking for is white noise. When it comes to getting work done and focusing 100% on a task, music is my go to. It always keeps me mildly motivated, attentive, and focused on a task as hours pass. I know music isn’t the technical form of white noise, but instrumental music has done well for me. Because of this, I’ve always appreciated white noise or some other non-focus seeking sound. My most recent love for white noise came last week during the cruise Carmen and I went on. We splurged a little bit and got a balcony room. The love for ocean waves and wanting to soak up as much of that sound as possible gave us the idea to keep the balcony door open all night. I know, its not economical, but it was sure worthwhile. Going to sleep and then waking up to not only the sun, but also the soft sound of this massive cruise ship slicing through the water was almost heavenly. This peaceful sound put us to sleep almost immediately and gave us some of the most soothing nights I’ve ever had.

White noise is an absolutely amazing thing. It isn’t just background noise or sound that we enjoy- it actually has some positive effects.

1) Tinnitis

That darn ringing in your ears...Yes, tinnitus. White noise will help reduce this.

2) Attention issues

Whether it be a wandering mind, focus issues, or ADHD management, white noise has been shown to have beneficial results in holding attention.

3) May reduce labor cost

White noise helps people concentrate on tasks easier and become more efficient and productive. By listening to music or other white noise, you may be able to do more work in less time, thus having the potential to reduce labor cost.

4) Overall better sleep

Once asleep, this noise will keep your bedroom ‘quiet’ of outside noises and distractions. You will remain in a deeper sleep and sleep more soundly. You may also experience less of a wandering mind while lying in bed, allowing a quicker slumber.


White noise can be used to enhance a deeper meditative state.

Basically, white noise helps the brain shut out outside distractions and noises, allowing your brain to focus on the task at hand. Some people associate white noise with the 'sh' sound of static on a tv or radio. However, it can also be a fan, ocean waves, loud clock, or even the chirp of crickets. Try being intentional in your efforts to reap the benefits of white noise. If this sounds like something you may want to try, you can turn your radio on to a station in which you don’t receive a signal; buy a fancy, expensive white noise machine from, or find a white noise app on your phone (such as ‘white noise’). If you’re not to keen on the white noise, it’s not allowed at work, or others around you may not appreciate it and are still looking for that better focus, try this. We use it daily for many reasons that are listed at this link Here.

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