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Strength Training

If you have been following Carmen and I from the beginning of Become Stressless, you’ve likely read some of my previous articles: Fat Burning Workout and Get Bigger, Better Biceps. I thoroughly enjoyed writing these articles for you, however it dawned on me that you may be looking for a bit more at this point. Whether the articles were a good starting point, you have been doing similar workouts and need more, or it simply wasn’t your style, its ok. I touched briefly on some running styles and thoughts the other day, and would like to continue onto the strength portion.

So you want to start lifting weights or have been lifting for a little while and need to switch things up. However, you’re not sure where to start or what to do with all the fads, sponsored ads, and a lot of… frankly crap out there. I know that if you’re starting from nothing, doing SOMETHING is usually better than doing nothing, but you at least want to know your starting out with a decent foundation. People are always boasting that their workout is better than the previous, that you can workout for half the time and get better results, or even that you can have a electrical device stimulate your muscles and you’ll be ripped with 15 minutes a day. You get my point. People are almost willing to claim anything to get you to try their workouts. I believe in the no bells and whistles approach. My body is my canvas. Below you will get a taste of what I do to achieve the results that I have gotten.

There are so many strength programs out there, split routines, and perspectives that everyone claims ‘is the best’. Over the years, I’ve read many of them and to be honest, think most are overkill (until you’re an elite athlete or competitive body builder). The programming that many of them demonstrate is ‘more is better’ and to ‘kill’ your muscles during each and every workout. For example, a back day that I recall reading listed 6-8 back exercises for at least 4 sets each. Personally, I believe that is overkill for the average Joe who is simply looking to become stronger, leaner, fitter, and better looking. However, for the competitive body builder, this many not be enough… to add to this, the workout just described would likely entail a 2-hour gym session (if not more) with proper rest periods. This is WAY too much time for many of us to spend in the gym. However, if you have the time for this, by all means spend these 2 hours in the gym.

For me? I aim to spend as much time in the gym to adequately hit the muscle group(s) for the day and get DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) within the following days. DOMS is a good thing, as it indicates adequate intensity for muscle growth. This typically involves an average of 3-4 exercises per muscle group for the desired rep range to hit my goals. For most exercise bouts, this can be accomplished within an hour. I understand that most of us still have lives, chores, work, and need to eat. So with that being said, I usually exercise to 4-5, MAYBE 6 days/week if I felt less active that week.

What does a typical week and specific workout look like for me?

Sunday: Fun Day – Go for a long walk or hike in the mountains

Monday: Extra Rest/Cardio day depending on what the day has planned for me.

Tuesday: Circuit Training –Fast paced full body workout with minimal rest designed with the HIIT mentality.

Wednesday: Full Upper Body Day – Chest and Back, no focus on arms

Thursday: Legs and Arms

Friday: Extra Rest/Cardio day

Saturday: Full Upper Body Day – Chest and Back, no focus on arms

My upper body day usually looks like this:

(The exercises are coupled together as a super-set. I perform each in pairs with little rest in-between my back and chest exercises.)

Inclined dumbbell chest press

Pull up

Flat dumbbell chest press

Seated row

Declined smith chest press

Bent over upright row

Pec Fly

Rear post-deltoid fly

Lateral shoulder raise

Dumbbell overhead press

I used to work in fun, fancy gyms and have access to what I call the ‘fun equipment’: battle ropes, boxes, agility ladders, etc. However, I have geared away from such gyms simply because of price. So, like many of you, I workout at planet fitness and have geared my workouts to mimic the equipment that is there. If you have access to the ‘fun equipment’ and would like some aid in designing a workout program in both exercises and weekly schedule, please reach out individually and I would be happy to assist you. The point is, no matter where you workout or what equipment you have, you can have a solid workout that suits your goals. If you're looking for some additional ideas, Click Here for the article "Best Exercise Resources for 2017"

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