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Minimize Your Stuff, Maximize Your Life

Eric and I have been enjoying a calm weekend at home with the dogs, and we decided that we'd put in a work day today so that we could continue relaxing a bit tomorrow. We headed down to our storage unit for some much needed organization and consolidation; in just a month and a half, we'll be moving to Cincinnati, so we wanted to take stock of all that we had, all that we needed, and all that we didn't want to take with us.

I have to admit: looking into my storage unit was jarring- painful, even. It's crazy to think that almost all of the furniture we will use to fill an entire house can fit in this 10x20' space, but it still felt like too much. We've been saying yes to almost any gifted furniture because we are trying to build our savings and create a solid financial foundation on which to build our lives, but that means we've got mismatched furniture out the ying yang. Furthermore, when we were moving my boxes and bins around, I noticed some held things I didn't want anymore. I don't need all my old high school theater costumes, or my plastic Captain America shield, or the quilt I bought at a yard sale and used for years in college. Why was I carrying this stuff across state lines?

Eric introduced me to simple living when we first got together- most of his personal effects could fit in the back of his car, and he liked living that way: he owned few things, and nothing owned him. Meanwhile, I feel like a slave to my crap that I don't even use or like!

So I'm making a conscious effort tonight (and for the rest of this month) to minimize my things even further. If I don't use it, like it, fit in it, or feel an attachment to it, it's going into a Goodwill bag.

Here are some tips and steps that I'm following to help me along the way. I hope that they can help you get out from the pile of junk you've accumulated in your life, as they will for me!

1. Go Digital. Every year, you do your taxes and get your paperwork and save it for the next year, just in case you need reminders of how it's all done. You save all your W-2's and 1099 forms, just in case. You also save your reports of final grades from university, just in case, plus your acceptance letter, and old magazines, and credit card offers, and oh my God, why did we do this? THROW IT AWAY (actually, RECYCLE IT AWAY). You don't need that junk! If you're really afraid you still do, scan it, save it, and throw the paper copy away. You have a computer for a reason other than email and Facebook.

2. Fashion Show. Remember how, when we were kids, we'd try on our parents' clothing and walk around drowning in fabric in shoes that were too big- but it was okay, because we knew we'd grow into it someday! Well, guess what: we have reached someday, kiddos, and if it doesn't fit now, it never will. Don't keep "fat day" jeans to coddle yourself when you've derailed on your fitness plan, don't keep dresses that'll fit if you drop twenty pounds (especially if you're making no effort to lose that weight), and don't keep clothes that were gifts because you feel obligated to try to make it work (it's not a relationship, it's a shirt). Have a fashion show with your mirror and toss anything you're not into (be harsh, but don't throw out your entire wardrobe). And if you can make a capsule wardrobe happen, for God's sake DO IT.

3. Stop Making Excuses. Story time: I graduated high school in 2010 and wore for the ceremony a strapless white dress that I didn't even like. But I kept it, because "who knows when you'll need a white dress?" And do you know what? I STILL HAVE THAT STUPID DRESS IN MY CLOSET, AND I'VE NEVER WORN IT SINCE! Toss it. Sure, maybe I'll need a white dress sometime. But if it's that important to have a white dress, I wouldn't have wanted to wear that ugly, shapeless thing anyway! MOVE ON.

4. Why Are You Holding On? Really, ask yourself. Is it sentimental? Do you really need that handkerchief to remind you how old fashioned your Great Gran was? Sure it still fits, but do you even like it? If you were shopping right now, would you buy it again? Are you afraid of wasting money? Let me tell you: you already wasted the money if you never use it- now, you're just wasting closet space. My personal favorite excuse is that it's broken or torn, but you're going to fix it someday when you have time! Look... unless you regularly mend your clothes, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO FIX IT. Just donate it, toss it, and move on!

5. We're Not Going Back in Time. I've saved boxes of DVDs and CDs from past eras that I've insisted I'll use again someday. But I won't! Time and technology have progressed, and we're not turning back. Days of the portable DVD player are over- we have Netflix on our phones. And screw CDs, we have instant and free access to music through Spotify! Donate the old collections, unless you're obsessed with vintage records or something.

Getting rid of things can be hard, but I recommend you take initiative and just do it, preferably when you're in a slightly bad mood and are cool with pitching massive amounts of crap out of your life. You'll end feeling so relieved, and you'll be surprised how little you miss the crap you're getting rid of.

Time for me to start weeding through my junk! If you're looking for more sources and tips on how to declutter and minimize your life, I recommend you look at some of my pins on the subject!

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