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Finding That Ideal Job/Career

Like many of you, I am still searching for that ‘ideal’ job/career. I know many things that I definitely don’t want to do, however finding that perfect job is challenging. I’ve worked for many employers over the years and have found some I have liked, and many I haven’t. Of those jobs I

liked, they weren’t good enough for me. I desired more than just a steady paycheck. I wanted to have great promotional opportunity, have a boss who appreciated a strong work ethic, have my work be meaningful and satisfying to me, among many other things. Does this sound like a situation you’re currently in? Are you wanting more out of your job/career? Is something missing for you?

Many, especially millennials, combat the above with “I want to be my own boss, and open my own business.” However, I’m not sure many of them are totally serious about this. The effort that it takes to grow a company from ground 0 and expand enough to be self-sufficient is enormous. I personally know quite a few business owners whom love working for themselves and ‘being their own boss’, however, they all agree it takes a special person to actually make it happen.

Dave Ramsey says that one step to becoming wealthy is becoming and remaining debt free -read more in his book The Total Money Makeover. I am well on may way to the final step of his total money makeover. With that being said, the thought of huge amounts of overhead, loans, and debt scare me enough, never mind having to seek new people each and every time for a contract. This was too daunting for me. Despite these things, I still had the mindset described in the first paragraph: one that wants my efforts to be meaningful, to be happy at the end of the day, have great opportunity for a significant raise/income, and frankly, I don’t want to have an ordinary boss. These used to be all thoughts, and now have become a reality for me. I have now started two businesses for myself, Both of which I didn't go into debt for and were fairly inexpensive. For one, I am partnered with someone else for some additional backbone and support (easing a little pressure); while the other one I am an independent contractor who gets to reap the benefits of a massively growing parent company, which checks all my boxes and helps me grow, to quote Andy Andrews, “mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and financially.”

I believe in setting yourself up in such a way that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, with who ever you want. Basically, being able to take a few days off, a much needed vacation, visit family, a personal day at nearly any time that it is needed. Also, on a daily basis, being able to go to the gym in the middle of the day, eat when you want, or even take an extended lunch break for a nice sit down meal, or anything else that you would like to do during your typical 9-5 workdays.

This, to me, is essential to become stressless.

How have I, among many other people, gotten here? Although I can’t speak for everyone 100%, I can share some of the things that helped get me to where I am today.

  1. Network – You never know who will pose an opportunity for you in the future or who may connect you with someone else who will pose an opportunity. Another way of looking at this: you never know who you may be able to connect to in order to benefit others.

  1. Vision – Have a vision of what you want. Bring it to life. Write it down. What is it that you want? A boat, big house, or multiple houses? What color are these things? Where are they located? How do they make you feel…? Whatever it is, write it down, say it out aloud, and read it to yourself daily.

  2. Keep your mind open – Many miss out on amazing opportunities because they simply do not keep their mind open. They’re stuck in the daily grind; stuck on autopilot and living for the weekends.

  3. Seek out those who have what you want – Find and spend time with people who have what you want. Find out how they got there, and do what they did.

  4. Think for yourself – Don’t let the opinions of others dictate your success. Don’t let others poor or negative experiences hold you back from doing something you want to do and in which you can see yourself being successful.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with the 9-5 way of life and obviously there are a lot of people who enjoy the ‘daily grind’, putting in their 40 hours and going home to do as they wish, having 2 days off, and then repeating weekly, monthly, and yearly. Some are perfectly happy with this. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am not. Fortunately, I do want to seek out my true potential and make a large impact in one way, shape, or form. Unfortunately, this path takes a bit more effort, energy, time, patience, and hard work. It is not easy, however it is worth it. As Dave Ramsey says “live unlike no one else, so that someday you can live can live like no one else.” Meaning, do what it takes now and have a short-term imbalance favoring your savings account in order to achieve a long-term balance in financial freedom. By working hard now, you can achieve your dreams, goals, and aspirations. There’s positive psychology in writing these things down, speaking them, and surrounding yourself with things that remind you of your dreams, goals, and aspirations.

There are some people who do set goals, however they still struggle. Are you one of these people? Scope out this article “How to Overcome the Biggest Mistake in Goal Setting” for some additional help.

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