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How to Handle Stress

You just got cut off on the highway. Someone called you a bad name. A rumor was spread about you. You run out of food and forgot to get groceries before dinner. Your dog got excited and jumped up and hit you in the face. Whatever the situation is, how did you handle it? Did you get frustrated or did you slough it off and go on your merry way?

What I’m trying to illustrate is how do you handle situations of everyday life? Are you able to keep your cool in hotheaded situations? Do you give people the benefit of the doubt when irritating things happen? Do you recollect each and every time that you were running late or simply had a bad day and acted out towards a total stranger? Did it feel good?

In her book Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Debbie Ford describes the people around you being a mirror into your soul. If you don’t like an act that someone else does or this act bothers you, it is likely that you don’t like the fact that you too sometimes do this same act to others. Think about this for a few moments and let it sink in. Think about the last time you got irritated with someone for doing something and then think to yourself if (1) you do the same act that just irritated you and (2) do you wish you didn’t do this act?

Keeping a level head on your shoulders is, in my opinion, a hard thing to do. However, it is worth it. Worth it to not overreact when something bad happens. Worth it to keep stress out of your life. Worth it to avoid drama and unnecessary confrontations. Next time something trivial comes up, just laugh it off and be on your way. Save the mental energy and stress for something worthwhile.

Simple day-to-day actions such as this add up to a lot. They increase your mental stress, thoughts of negativity, blood pressure, and start shaping the future you. If you give in to these thoughts, they will soon overwhelm your mind and create a chain reaction of negative thoughts. This in and of itself is a dangerous thing for you, never mind for those around you. Stress & Your Health is a great article that shows the different types of stress, the negative effect t

hey have on your body, and how we can counteract the stresses of everyday life.

If you struggle with keeping these thoughts and reactions at bay, here are a few things which may turn the tides for you:

1) Laugh it off – laughing, as Patch Adams would say, is the best medicine. Laughter relaxes the body, releases endorphins, lightens the weight on your shoulders, and lowers stress hormones, among many other things. Keep laughing and it may actually help you live longer.

2) Give them the benefit of the doubt – Someone may be just having a bad day, are in a hurry, or otherwise are simply rude. We cannot control other people’s actions, so why let them get to you? By letting them alter your mood and mindset, you are giving them this power (also discussed by Debbie Ford). Take the power back into your hands and choose wisely who you give it to.

3) Keep your cool – Reacting out of emotion and anger will only cause more stress and drama. Don’t jump down their throat and start pointing out their imperfections and mistakes. Pick and chose your battles.

4) Walk away – Just walking away from a situation is sometimes the best thing to do. Taking yourself out of these environments will keep you out of the heat. Keep the power in your hands.

5) Stop thinking about it – The more we think, the more we work ourselves up, the more we bother ourselves. We are creating more negative emotion for ourselves here. Why do we do this to ourselves, when we can just let it go and forget about it? Forgive, forget, and move on!

Why does this matter? I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage ‘misery loves company’? Well, its true. Similarly, the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. People tend to surround themselves with those like them. If you’re comfortable in your day-to-day life and aren’t looking to drastically improve your situation (reference my previous blog BE YOUR OWN BOSS that’s about striving to achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations) then there’s a good chance you’ll surround yourself with those with a similar mindset. If you are an athlete, gym rat, and overall healthy person, this is likely who you’ll have for friends. I’m sure you get my point. Now think to yourself, where do you wish to fall? Would you rather have friends who are supportive, engaging, intellectual, and positive companions, or friends on the other side of the spectrum?

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