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Let me describe the scene to you: I'm sitting in the living room of a beach house on Tybee Island with Eric, David (his brother), and Gretchen (his mother). We're all relaxing inside after spending a couple of hours playing in the

waves and building sandcastles and watching them get demolished by the waves when Gretchen looks at her phone and realizes: "it's the first day of summer!"

We all sort of giggle at the idea. How is today only the first day of summer? We've been having fun on the beach for a few days now, and Eric and I have been taking trips since February. But summer is only beginning now?

All my life, and probably all of your life, we've been raised to think that fun can wait. Summer is the time to have a blast and give in to our cravings and not allow guilt to govern our decisions. But I'd like to question: why can't we have fun year round? Yes, we have accountability to our jobs, our families, our schedules- but why can't that accommodate relaxation and vacation year round?

I challenge you, as you go into this summer, to switch your mindset: summer is a great season to play outside, but so is every other season. Autumn is the best season to go hiking; winter is the best season to vacation someplace warm; spring is the best season to explore countries in bloom. Why are we putting off our happiness? Why wait to plan the next getaway? It'd actually be better for your budget to spread your vacations out through the year!

Have a great summer, but remember that it is not the exception to an otherwise busy and stressful year; it is just another wonderful season in which to have fun and be stressless!

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