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The Miracle Foods No One's Talking About

Before we dig into this post, let me be upfront in saying that miracle foods need to be debunked. No ONE food is going to give you everything you need or help you shed unwanted pounds or cure your ailments. A healthy and well-balanced diet can; but no one snack can.

However, I do want to talk about a miraculous part of your diet that has likely gone neglected: your consumption of Glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is naturally found in plants, and what it essentially does is protect your cells (not just organs, but cellular makeup) from harmful ickies like oxidative stress- basically, the stuff that makes you look older and worn down. So, naturally, if you increase your body's level of Glutathione, you keep yourself looking young, fresh, healthy, and happy. If you want to know a bit more about the science behind oxidative stress and Glutathione, check out this article.

Said in an even less scientific way, Glutathione is good; stress is bad. So how can you get more of this delicious antioxidant into your body? Easy!

1. Shape up your breakfast! Most of us eat eggs or pancakes or just coffee for breakfast. Consider adding a grapefruit, pear, orange, or apple to your morning routine as you rush out the door. These particular fruits are rich in Glutathione and will give you a great morning boost.

2. Get green. Vegetables are never bad for you. Specifically, munch on some raw spinach, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, or avocado. These green veggies are delicious, healthy, and easy to incorporate into all sorts of meals.

3. If you don't mind bad breath... Dig into some garlic. Garlic is loaded with Glutathione, so if you don't have a big presentation at work (or, better, you carry some tasty gum around with you), load your meals up with some garlic. If you can eat it raw, good on you; most of us can't, so barely saute or bake it to ensure you get the health value but don't choke on it.

4. Take a supplement. I'm not big on supplements, but I do take a few myself. Add a non-intrusive supplement to your daily routine to up your Glutathione levels. Fret not- you can't overdose on Glutathione. Your body can never get enough of it, really, but taking more than necessary certainly can't hurt you. Check out the supplement I take to supplement my normal Glutathione production.

Glutathione helps detox your body and gives your cellular biology the backup it needs to protect against the oxidated stress that invades and damages your cells. It's overwhelmingly important to your body- but no one's talking about it! Once you start reaping the benefits of a Glutathione-rich body, you'll know just how nuts it is that we've been living without so much for so long.

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