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A Sought After Diet Pattern

Mother Nature provides us with the nourishment that we need to live. Many of us take these things for granted until we are without and don’t know where to get our next meal. We overeat because there is a surplus of food at our disposal. I think we forget where our ancestors came from during the times when we were hunters and gatherers. Luckily we are no longer there, as most of us couldn’t survive for 1 week if it weren’t for grocery stores. As a matter of fact, it may be a fun activity to go into the wild and just live. Go backpacking for 3-5 days and see if you can last. Like I said, many of us eat until we feel like a volcano and ready to blow. And to add to the fire, we have a tendency to eat too much food and all too often. Carmen wrote an article about a month ago about a couple different kinds of meal planning that contradict the modern 3 meals a day (See article here). As she mentioned, she does best on the 5 meals a day, while I typically do 5-7 meals a day. Now these aren’t the meals that I described above. They are meals that just satisfy my hunger without putting me into a food coma or the typical afternoon slump. It keeps my fire burning all throughout the day and I even have a hard time stopping at times. Especially when I combine it with my favorite drink (Click Here).

There is however, a counter argument to eating in this manner. It is called intermittent fasting. Albeit there are different variations of intermittent fasting, we will be focusing on 1: fasting for 12-18 hours a couple times per week leading up to every day or every other day. This is not a diet, but rather an eating pattern. It is also not recommended for everyone, nor is it easy. It may not be the best idea to start off with the 18 hour fast, but rather gradually work your way up from 12-18 hours. The other 12-6 hours a day, you should be consuming larger meals that meet your caloric and nutrient needs.

Sound crazy? I thought so too, however research has shown beneficial results by doing this, some of which include:

1) Simplification – You don’t have to worry about breakfast or even 3 meals a day. There are many people who eat 2 large meals a day within the 6-8 hours in which they aren’t fasting. Fewer meals, less cooking, less planning - win, win.

2) Insulin levels – When fasting, blood sugar levels drop significantly, initiating your body to burn fat.

3) Weight loss – Because you’re eating fewer meals and thus eating less than you would typically, you are eating fewer calories. If you combine this with some of your body’s responses to fasting, your metabolism will also increase. When you combine fewer calories with more calories burned, the result is weight loss.

4) Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress – There have been studies reporting greater resistance to oxidative stress (a key step in the aging process and linked to many chronic ailments) and a greater ability to fight inflammation. Sound like too much effort to reduce oxidative stress? Try this - Click Here to find out how to significantly reduce your inflammation, and how you can decrease oxidative stress levels by an average of 40% in 30 days.

5) Live longer – Well, who doesn’t want to live longer? The body accumulates less stress, ailments, and a greater metabolism, among many other benefits of intermittent fasting. With all of these benefits, the body is able to function at a higher level, allowing us to live longer. Again, does this sound too unpleasant to try? Watch this short clip (Click Here) to learn of a proven way to extend life, studied by the National institutes of Health.

Again, this isn’t for everyone and it may not be for you. However, intermittent fasting may be an exceptional option for those who are overly busy, looking to lose weight and tone up, or simply looking for any of the benefits listed above. I would recommend keeping a journal of your journey and having a friend keep an eye on you during this process. I would like to personally connect with anyone who embarks on this journey for his or her first time. If you opt out of this diet pattern and are still looking for additional help and advice on your health journey, please reach out via:



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