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The Road Ahead

For the past 47 days, Carmen and I have been sharing our thoughts on the broad topic of Becoming Stressless. We enjoy writing these articles, albeit it’s somewhat challenging when life gets in the way and when the unexpected, and expected, happen. In the upcoming months we have much planned, and I’m sure much more that has yet to be confirmed and set in stone.

First, in two days, I will be traveling to Denver for a​

​ conference with a company that has not only changed my life; it has also changed the lives of my family and many others. We will be hearing from many speakers, one of whom Carmen and I have referenced on numerous occasions: John C. Maxwell. I am rather excited for the hours he will be spending with us because this is bound to be another enlightening moment for me. Alongside him, other renown figures whom are at the top of their profession will be sharing their knowledge and expertise not only on what they know, but also how they have achieved what they have achieved: a way to jump off the hamster wheel and freedom from the everyday grind that most of us dread.

Secondly, Carmen and I will be heading on another vacation for nearly a week. We are opting for another cruise, this time with family…Yes, we have a lot of family and try to stay connected with them all. Being spread around the country doesn’t make it easy, however when the chance arrives, we all like to get away from the monotony of daily life. Unfortunately, this usually doesn’t happen for whoever ends up hosting the family because they are still at their house, looking at the endless to-do lists with every glance around the house. Hence, why we enjoy getting out of dodge so even the parents can have time to relax. We are headed to the Bahamas and a private island owned by the cruise company. We will share more on this soon.

Third… Should this be thirdly or just third? Man the ​

​English language is confusing and doesn’t always make sense. Anywho. Last and definitely not least Carmen has grad school coming up this fall semester. Obviously there are many challenges that come into play when moving: finding a new job, the move itself, getting settled and comfortable, redeveloping a routine, etc. We have added another one to the plate. Given my current interest and work environment, we are going to continue this when we move; we have the ball rolling on a house and it’s quite the fixer-upper, albeit it does not require nearly the amount of work that our current home does. On numerous accounts, we are both rather excited about what the future has in store for us and look forward to sharing how we overcome obstacles with each of you to also aid you in your journey to Become Stressless.

With that being said, Carmen and I have talked about balancing our lives and maintaining a life that is as stressless as possible. This is one reason that we are taking so much time off and traveling as much as we have this summer. In the next few years, we are both predicting that our vacation and travel time will be at a minimum. To maintain this balance and stressless-ness, we have decided that it will be best for us to slightly reduce our posting frequency. Thank you for bearing with us as we embark on new journeys and adventures. We will definitely keep things going and share the on-goings of life with each of you. Stand by for future posts coming soon to a screen near you.

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