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No Second Thoughts

Eric and I have a daily habit of reading out of Andy Andrews' book, The Traveler's Gift, every day as soon as we wake up and right before we go to bed. We've been reciting his decisions for success in order- we spend 21 days reciting a particular decision, then move on to the next. We basically have the first two ("the buck stops here" and "I will seek wisdom) memorized.

Just yesterday, we got to move on to the third decision for success: "I am a person of action." The essential message of the decision is that we need to take initiative in our lives, be proactive, and set aside our doubts and fears.

As Eric read through the decision this morning, one particular line stood out to me: "successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly; failures make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly." In other words, you will be more successful if you elect to come to a decision quickly, trusting your gut instincts, and if you shut down any doubts or hesitations. If you trust your instincts and follow them, you'll be successful. Sounds so simple.

But it isn't, is it? If I asked you to take this particular lesson into your personal life, you'd find plenty of occasions where you doubted yourself, turned back because of fear of the road ahead, let your hesitations hold you back from your goals.

Was it in a relationship? Did you have genuine interest in someone, but their lack of interest (ahem, PERCEIVED lack of interest) made you distance yourself from someone truly amazing?

Was it in your education? Did a subject of study that sounded interesting seem way too complex or difficult for you, so you settled for something easier- even though it could never pique your interest in the same way?

Was it at work? Did an opportunity present itself to you that you turned away because you were afraid you wouldn't be able to handle it, or you weren't good enough?

Doubt is a slow-working poison that leads to an inevitable feeling of fear. Fear can have a tight grip on us our whole lives- but unless you are living in a country ruled by terrorists or are trapped in a human trafficking ring (if either of these describes your situation, please- let's talk), YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR! You're only afraid of yourself: what you are or are not, what you can or cannot do, what unknown things you have yet to learn about yourself.

I wanted to spend this post reminding you to stop second guessing yourself. Make a decision and support it with all of your being. Don't be impulsive, but trust your instincts- they're there for a reason. You have "a healthy mind to gather and sort information, and the courage to come to a conclusion," as Andy Andrews says. You have all the tools necessary for success- your only hindrance is your own doubt and fear.

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