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Intentional Relationships

Today’s article is quite fitting for the occasion. Today cousin Roger and his fiance’ Kim join hands and tie the knot. They have come a long way in the time they have been together. From local concerts, to vacations with their future families, sporting events, cruising the Caribbean, and even renovating an old Victorian into a Bed and Breakfast. Vacationing with your partners’ family or even working under stressful conditions with your significant other….Man, those last two things in and of themselves could be a recipe for disaster, however they have only brought these two amazing people closer together. These two have shown love for one another since day one. Fortunately, I have been around for almost a year of their relationship and have enjoyed watching them grow together and observing a solid, loving relationship.

Today’s article is about surrounding yourself with loved ones, those who support you, and those who help you grow. The more boxes that an individual ‘checks off’ the more valuable and impactful they are to your life. For example, many have loved ones, who despite loving them dearly, add turmoil, drama, and negativity to their lives, thus causing them to feel mentally drained. Meanwhile, others have loved ones who are constantly supportive, help aid in growth, and add value and positivity to one’s life. Which would YOU rather have? I hope you said the later option.

Although it is beyond difficult in many situations, it is best for YOU in the long run to spend most of your time with the people in the second example above. I assume you’ve heard the old adage ‘You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.’ With that being said, would you rather be the sum of 5 people who are loving, kind, caring, compassionate, supportive, positive, and help others grow? OR would you rather be on the negative end of the spectrum? The choice is yours.

Personally, I choose to surround myself with loving, supportive, and caring people, all while being in a positive, growth-oriented environment. Unfortunately, this has also come at a cost: a cost that was not taken lightly and was actually quite challenging to make. I have lost touch with many friends and even family because they did not fit this description. I chose a better me and a better future rather than maintaining negative, or draining friendships with some who aren’t in the same mindset or who don’t have the same vision. I am not saying ALL that everyone whom I have lost touch with fall into this category, however some have and it was not an easy decision. For any of you who are reading this from my past, please feel free to reach out, as I am looking to reconnect with as many of you as possible and either mend relationships or rediscover a lost friend.

For another article on cleansing your life of negativity, view our article Purge Negativity

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